Nerve Pain Relief

Botanical Rx Nerve Pain Relief

Pain Reliever

  • 7-Day Application System
  • For External Use Only

Find Relief from Sciatic Nerve Pain with Our All Natural Topical Solution

Relieves Pain From: sciatica, Diabetic neuropathy, and other types of nerve-related conditions.

Are you tired of dealing with the discomfort of sciatic nerve pain and Diabetic neuropathy? Discover a natural solution for managing your symptoms and finding comfort, even during the night. Our topical nerve pain relief product is designed to target sciatica-related lower back, leg, and hip pain  and provide you with much-needed relief. It's like a trusted friend, enhancing your current treatments or stepping in when they fall short. Tingling, numbness, and cramping due to neuropathy are also relieved.

Nightly Ease with Our Sciatica Relief:

Sciatic Nerve Comfort at Night:

Say goodbye to sleepless nights filled with sciatic nerve pain interruptions. Our advanced solution not only eases discomfort but also promotes a good night's sleep, so you wake up refreshed and ready for the day.

Conquer Severe Sciatica Discomfort:

Severe Sciatica Comfort:

Regain control from severe sciatica pain with our specialized formula. It hones in on intense pain, providing potent relief to empower your overall well-being. Take back your comfort with our powerful solution.

Holistic Comfort for Sciatica Nerve Pain:

Sciatica Nerve Relief:

Embark on a journey to holistic comfort for sciatica nerve pain. Our product is a natural and supportive option, ready to step in when standard treatments hit a roadblock or when many find no relief from current solutions.

Transparent Support for Your Comfort:

We believe in clear communication. While we don't claim to replace standard treatments for sciatica, our product is thoughtfully crafted as a reliable companion for those moments when traditional solutions might need a little extra help.

What Sets Us Apart:

1. Precision in Comfort: Our solution is designed to target sciatic nerve pain and lower back discomfort precisely, delivering relief exactly where you need it.

2. Uninterrupted Night Comfort: Dive into uninterrupted sleep by applying our topical relief solution at night, designed to silence discomfort during those crucial resting hours.

Ready to Embrace Comfort?

Discover the comfort you've been searching for. Take the first step towards relief today with our sciatica pain relief solution and experience the transformation. Our exclusive offer awaits. Click the bottle below to learn more.


We believe in transparency and honest communication. Our product is not intended to replace medical advice or serve as a cure for sciatica. It is formulated to provide relief from sciatic nerve pain, lower back discomfort, and severe pain. Please consult a healthcare professional for personalized guidance on managing your sciatica symptoms.

For chronic pain, use three times a day for seven days, even if you don’t continue to have pain. Use as needed for pain between applications. After completing the 7-day therapy, use as needed to control recurring pain. If pain persists, consult your physician.

Directions: Use this product as a supplement to your medically approved regimen.

For best results, massage a generous amount into the painful area. Allow to dry.
Repeat as often as needed.


Dementholised Peppermint Oil - 0.34 % V/V

Purified water, Aloe Vera liquid, Yellow Mustard, Olive oil, Castor oil, Coconut oil, Lavender oil, Lemon oil, Cream of Tartar, Potassium salt, Natural Preservative.


For external use only. Keep away from eyes, nose, and mouth. Keep out of the reach of children. Avoid extreme heat or cold. Store at room temperature. This product has not been approved or evaluated by the FDA.


This product has not been approved or evaluated by the FDA. No claims to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease have been made, intended or implied.


Botanical RX Nerve Relief

“Awesome product with even better results”

Freddie Harris / Huntsville, AL

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I had an extreme case of sciatica due to my sciatic nerve being crushed between my pelvic bones. Without Nerve Pain Relief I don’t know how I would have gotten through!

Glenn Fuller

Botanical Rx Nerve Pain Relief Liquid ointment

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